Geoscientists: Engage school students with your work

Connect school students with STEM outside the classroom, and help them discover STEM careers in I’m a Geoscientist, Get me out of here.

It’s all online and text-only (no audio or video). All you need is a web browser.  

  • Chat with students in text-only live Chats
  • Answer their questions about you, your work, your salary, or any other topic

Support students to see STEM as ‘for them’ and break down stereotypes of what a geoscientist is ‘supposed’ to be.

You should expect to spend an average of an hour and a half per month engaging with students across the academic year. The activity is flexible and works around your schedule – join in at the times that suit you. You’ll retain control over your availability: block off days when you can’t take part, set the number of chats you can manage per week – we’ll arrange the rest. 

Apply to take part ❯

It only takes 2 minutes to apply. We’ll be in touch if we have the funding to support your place in the activity

Who can apply? All professionals working in fields related to STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) are welcome to apply.

  • You could be working in industry, academia or the public sector
  • You could be a technician, an apprentice, or in roles like comms or management

Take part to show students the wide range of STEM-related careers out there.

  • Learn about up to 40 relevant geoscientists, through their profiles, including their CVs
  • Connect with researchers in 30-minute, text-based, online Chats
  • Deepen their understanding and continue engaging with the scientists by sending follow-up questions
  • Decide which geoscientist deserves the £500 winner’s prize
  • Review their learning through a facilitated discussion

🗨️ What scientists say:

“The questions asked were both fun and challenging, keeping me on my toes at all times and giving me a fresh perspective and enthusiasm for my own research”

“Love, love, loving taking part in @imascientist, so much fun, very engaging”

Find out more:



Apply to take part ❯