The very first I’m a Geoscientist goes live for two weeks from 16th to 27th June 2014. We’ll be running the Earth Zone, five scientists and 21 schools, spread over four continents taking part.

Schools (red) and scientists (blue) taking part in I’m a Geoscientist, June 2014 | Click for larger image
Thanks to the European Geosciences Union funding I’m a Geoscientist. For the latest updates on the event, follow @ImAGeoscientist, and @EuroGeosciences on Twitter.
Let’s take a look at the schools and scientists taking part this June in the Earth Zone!
The Scientists
Rehemat Bhatia | PhD Student at University College London, UK
“Studying tiny fossils with big climate stories to tell.”
Jesse Davenport | PhD Student at Centre de Recherches Petrographiques et Geochimiques, France
“My work deals with investigating the role of weathering and erosion of Himalayan rivers, sediments and rocks and its effects on climate change and tectonics.”
Denise de Gaetano | PhD Student at University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
“I am a seismologist and science communicator, who combines music and earthquakes.”
Daniel Lao Davila | Lecturer at Oklahoma State University, USA
“I study how mountains and earthquakes form at the boundaries of tectonic plates.”
Anna Rabitti | PhD Student at NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea, Netherlands
“I am studying waves deep inside the ocean. These waves are probably (we don’t know yet!) responsible of many processes in our oceans and climate, but also in the interior of stars and far away planets, where exactly the same kind of waves exists.”
The Schools
- 138th Secondary School, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 3rd Gymnasio of Glyfada, Athens, Greece
- Apulumâ Technical College, Alba, Romania
- Colegiul German Goethe, Bucharest, Romania
- Ekonomska škola, Niš, Serbia
- Escola dom paio Peres correia, Algarve, Portugal
- Fusion Secondary School, Pretoria, South Africa
- Hebbelschule Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
- IES Inmaculada Concepcion, Cusco, Peru
- IES Cañada Real, Toledo, Spain
- IES Sierra del Valle, Ávila, Spain
- Ion Creanga High School, Bucharest, Romania
- Leap 4 Science & Maths School, Gauteng, South Africa
- Lebone College, Phokeng, South Africa
- Liceum Ogólnokształcące im.T.Kościuszki, Miechów, Poland
- Lycée Louis Barthou, Pau, France
- Lycee Francais de Vienne, Vienna, Austria
- Metsimaphodi Secondary School, Dewetsdorp, South Africa
- Municipal Center for Extracurricular Activities, Dolna Mitropoliya Municipality, Bulgaria
- National College Inochentie Micu Clain, Alba, Romania
- Thomas Rotherham College, Yorkshire, United Kingdom